The Power of Power BI – Analyze and visualize data with ease.
Data is the most valuable asset to a company because it can tell you anything from consumer trends and sales to technology performance, etc. But what good is the data if you don’t have time or resources to analyze the information and use it to optimize your business?
That is where Power BI comes in, a Business Intelligence tool by Microsoft. The tool is designed to take any set of data imported and turn it into visuals such as graphs, pie charts, heat maps, etc. to show data trends and insights. The dashboards can be configured to your liking to show you the information you’re looking to track.
Power BI allows you to import data from almost any source, whether it’s on-premises or in the cloud. The tool then houses this data and streams it into the visuals you have set up in the dashboard. You are able to view these datasets at any time and can set up a consistent flow for the data to automatically update.
The dashboard visuals are capable of presenting high-level trends and insights for executives who might quickly look to check the numbers. They are also capable of drilling down to the smallest of detail for those who need to see the story behind the data and view it in more ways than one.
Power BI is easy to use among your co-workers and management as it has different ways of using it dependant on the role of the employee. Anyone can show a specific data insight or trend by creating a visual and publishing it to the dashboard. Then the employee can go ahead and share the dashboard with their co-workers.
All in all, Power Bi is an extremely useful tool for a business of any size looking to get the most out of their datasets. If you’re ready to gain insight into how to optimize your business, contact us today!